Suzi Q

Tuesday, March 05, 2024

Presented by ICFS

Before Suzi Quatro burst on the music scene in 1973, there were almost no women in rock, and absolutely none who played bass AND wrote music AND led their band AND sang lead vocals AND fully rocked out!

SUZI Q is the definitive, unexpurgated story of the pint-sized, leather-clad artist who rewrote the rule book for the expected image of women in rock & roll, and is still on the road and recording 55 years after she started playing professionally. The film includes testimony from a host of rock luminaries, including Joan Jett, Deborah Harry, Cherie Currie, Alice Cooper, KT Tunstall, Tina Weymouth and Quatro’s musical family. As with other ICFS events, expect prizes, surprises, comfy sofas and a convenient bar.

2019. Not Rated. 98 minutes.

A part of the “Women Who Rock” Documentary Series! 

Personal Responsibility Statement: Proctors prides itself on offering a diverse selection of arts entertainment. Not all productions may appeal to or be appropriate for every person or for all ages. Patrons are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the shows we offer in order to make informed decisions prior to purchasing tickets.

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